Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Baby Blog

Solids begun!  Jess's bibs and Court's Bunnykins dishes are put to use, as is our Phil and Ted's MeToo Chair.  Beautiful, fun and functional.

When I was in Sioux Lookout, cousin Davin peeks over my shoulder as I'm adding a post and says, "Ooh, baby blog."  Baby blog?  I guess I can't deny it.  It's not meant to be solely that, more a place for all of my musings and discoveries, but the fact is, most of those center around baby right now.  And that's ok.  I mean, when has Bims ever been so fascinating?


What to do when a baby is fussy?  You could follow the advice of "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and go through the 5 S's (Swaddle, Shush, Swing, Sideways, Suckle), or you could just revert to the tried and tested dance 'til you can't dance no more, get up, get on the dance floor, now dance.

Nose crinkle for Aunty Dez included.

Monday, January 16, 2012

A Martha-Ricardo Moment

Here's some light, bright winter warmth for you: ginger.  Wake up your mouth, warm up your throat, open your eyes and clear out your nose.  Ginger-lemon tea, hot, fresh ginger-honey-lemon drink (slice, squeeze, squeeze), Creamy tomato coconut soup.  The soup is courtesy of some magazine ripping that I had stashed for who-knows-how-long in the "To try" pile.  It has been made a couple of times now, slightly altered and needs to move into the recipe binder.  Until then, it will sit in the "To do, To file" basket.  My method and madness are now exposed for everyone to see.  A creative A-type I am, in this instance.

Creamy Tomato Coconut Soup
2 cups tomato sauce
1 14 oz can coconut milk
1.5 cups water
2 tsp chicken or veggie broth
4 slices fresh ginger
1 garlic clove, sliced

  • Mix above ingredients in pot.  Bring to boil over medium heat, then simmer.
  • Add:
1 cup cauliflower flowerets
1 pepper, choose your colour, thinly sliced
1 cup grilled chicken, thinly sliced.

  • Let simmer 'til veggies reach desired consistency.  Bit of crunch is best.  8-10 minutes?
  • Can top with some fresh, chopped cilantro when it's time to eat.

Evelyn has been sleeping for the past hour.  Hence, I have time to clean out my email Inbox and to write about soup.  If we were at home, I'd have to do the dishes.  There are advantages to not having the Internet at your house after all.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

and the important thing is

I read a passage that I really liked in "Still Alice".  Alice was asking her daughter about her new boyfriend.  The questions were as follows":

  1. What's he like?  (notice it's not "What's he do?")
  2. What's he like with you? (concern for child)
  3. (and, my personal favourite and the reason I am writing this) What are you like with him?
To the final question, the daughter thinks, smiles and answers, "Myself."

That seems to me to be the most important thing, the factor that determines whether a relationship will work or not, whether you will be happy or not.  Are you yourself when you are with your partner?  I think back to some early relationships where I was drooling over a guy, embarrassed to reveal everything about myself because I thought I wasn't cool enough or would come up lacking.  But I got lucky (ode to Steve).  I can really answer "myself" to that question.  Stubborn, passionate, hesitant, careful, impetuous, cheesy, thoughtful...I got a guy who wants (or who'll take) it all.

What are you like with him?  I was able to answer that easily, for which I'm grateful.

Friday, January 6, 2012

neurons firing

imprinting memories

Christmas at 5 months means:

  • wonder at the lights on the tree.  Time to stare.  Slow down and stare.
  • a fascination with crinkly paper
  • fancy dresses and shirts supplied by mummas, grandmas and aunties.  More joy for the adults than for the child!
  • being able to foot-paint before bathtime
  • having grandpa and grandma carefully save foot-printed gift wrap so that they can frame it