Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer highlights, so far (as recalled by my camera)

 Swinging at Tyson
A new way to laugh
Apparently, babies like that free-fall feeling:
The moment where they have lost control
Are suspended in the air
But then are securely brought back to earth
To arms.
That's why baby tossing is approved.

 Scrambling up the Shield
Hot rock, searching for finger and toe holds.
Exhilerating at the top
And then the question:
How do we get down?
This cliff is bigger than it appears.

 Pique-nique sur les Plaines d'Abraham
First tastes of terrine, pate and many things good and French.
Bill Murray's nemesis x 2, the groundhog, a curious observer.

 Cirque du soleil sous le pont a Quebec
Surreal dream come true
Bouncing baby, booming beats.

 Explorer au bord du littoral du fleuve St-Laurent
First ocean swims and dunks.
Daily practice.

 Experiences en ravioli aux pates-maison dans le presbytere
A rosee sauce (peux-tu m'envoyer la recette, Annie-Claude?) and pasta
that we'll make thinner and less sticky next time round.

 Savourer les vues, le vent et l'amitie sur les Appalaches
And more seafood.  Daily seafood.
Cockles and mussels, crabs and fish.

Sandscrubs and castles on Lawrencetown Beach
Blue-lipped baby warmed by towels, hugs
and aunts and grandmas who can't get enough of her.
The kimono, Jess, has been invaluable. 
Everyone needs a kimono come summertime.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Birthday Girl

Part of the sisterhood, rah rah rah.

Evelyn is one years old and adored.  Not a bad gig for a little girl.  The eve of her first birthday (well, First Birthday minus a fortnight: Clearwater Lake) marked her introduction to chocolate cake in teddy-bear form.  This was followed by banana cream pie (First Birthday minus 6 days: Mumma's Camp, Tyson Lake, Killarney Provincial Park, ON), icecream and cupcakes (First Birthday minus 3 days: Pattiboo Point, Lake Clear, Ottawa Valley, ON) gelato au caramel a la fleur de sel (First birthday: la rue St-Jean, Quebec City, QC) and then Trevor, the chicken cake (First Birthday plus 9 days: Lawrencetown, NS).  Her birth has been much celebrated.  I think she now knows that if she's stripped to her diaper before being seated at the table, good things are coming her way.  Sounds about right to me.

House updates

New cabinets view, ohne dead soldiers.

Beer cans aren't used for staging, right?

Answers to commonly asked questions:
  1. The upper cabinets are being left open, but will have glass-fronted doors.  We've got a lot of cabinet and need some air!
  2. The peninsula is staying at that angle, needs to be finished with a raised bar on the backside.  What you see of it right now will house the kitchen sink, the better to do dishes by, my dear.  There's a dishwasher in the works, something I've never had my entire life, so I'm interested to see how our clean dishes supply holds out.
  3. That is a side-by-side fridge and freezer combo.  We were surprised by how big they turned out to be, but we are slightly in love.  Especially when we don't have to dig through the chest freezer, bent at the waist, legs waving in the air.  Even more when we don't have to do that in the garage at minus -30 degrees Celcius.
  4. Celcius hasn't always been the modus operindi in Canada.  Fahrenheit, inches and miles used to be the way it was.  Funny, I thought we were always off-kilter, not just given that little nudge of encouragement from Pierre Trudeau.  Something to add to my Pierre Trudeau basket of knowledge.  I will tuck that in next to the rose he wore in his lapel.
  5. Countertops are next on the list.  Backsplash will need to be done, but that may be moving to the backburner.  Time to play with all of the materials and supplies we have stored in our garage.  Tick away at jobs we can do without maxing out a line of credit and, in the meantime, clear up some parking space for winter.

picture coming...once I get home. 
Insert Arabian (K)night here.

The light fixture is a wired-for-electrical Moroccan lantern.  Kijiji was my friend this time round and not just a time waster.  Watch your head.  That thing has a nasty point to it that is just perfect for a 5'6 and 3/4" girl.

This is the "reading nook".  Window seat, book shelves, arm chair and side table are floating around in the idea bank.  Turning on this light helps the dreaming process, if not the actual lighting situation.