Thursday, October 21, 2010

Flying Fall

I think this year, I actually look older in my school picture.  Steve says it's the same (forced) smile, same eyes, same look, year after year.  Just the hair changes.  I think of Deuce and her 1000 different looks, beautiful or apish (this is a loving compliment if you know her cross-eyed monkey face), and think it would be nice to pull off something different.  But that's the thing with formal photographs.  You are expected to look into the camera and smile.  The photographer prompts the kids to say "Slimy Monkey"and then changes it to "Money" or "Payday" for the adults.  Ooh.  I'm smiling now.

I'll include said photos later.  They're at home and I'm in Winnipeg.  It takes a trip away to get me to write a new post.  That's cause fall is flying and we're sort of keeping up.  We've been exchanging emails and house plans with a draftsman in Winnipeg.  There's a December deadline hovering over our heads as draftsman flies south for the winter.  So we're drawing and thinking, looking things up on the Internet, eyeballing every house we pass and learning to stop talking when the other person says "I don't like it." to your heartfelt "I love it."  Go stir the soup, someone will come up with a new idea.

 FYI, this is not what we are doing.  Call it my Cro-Magnon plan.

And as October winds down, I'm thinking about Halloween costumes, report cards and the fact that there is less than 2 months before we fly to India.  There is a paper star made in India, full of swirls and vibrant colours, hanging in my classroom.  It's my reminder that I'll be heading there soon.  I have the urge to henna up my kids one day, but henna is a fairly permanent dye (a week-2).  I don't think our learning experience has to stretch itself that far.  (Parents, breathe a sigh of relief right now.)

In a silly way, I spend a lot of time being excited about packing my new backpack for the trip.  It is small and a sophistiqué grey-green.  I will wear one set of clothes and carry another.  This is a thrilling idea for a girl who chooses her clothing according to her morning moods.  And then has to change due to the morning weather.

Speaking of morning weather, here's a glimpse of the evening sky up here, early October.  Retirement Row is the place to be.
 Steve's Sunset Photo # no-where-near-as-many-as-Judy-has

Be then patient, young grasshopper.  In the quiet, in the dew, in the mixing and swirling of the stew, you will see things you did not realize were possible, you will recognize some answers were in front of you all along.

"When you follow your bliss...doors will open where you would not have thought there would be doors; and where there wouldn't be a door for anyone else." Joseph Campbell 1904-1987

Saturday, October 9, 2010

a blessed day

September 5th, September long, it's the new fad.

I'd like to showcase, with some photos, the newest, bestest Me(a)ghan and husband to wed on this blessed day.  And the ones who did it last year.

Meghan and Reid McDonald.

Bagpipe reels as table markers.  Fitting, non?  The face that only mother (and wife) could love, the look that father perfected (I see you, Don).

Dashing, oui?  Parks.  Steve Parks.

And lucky me.  Got to drool over Meghan's self-knit shawl made of lavender seaweed-wool.  She handed it over for me to wear during breakfast as soon as I started exclaiming over it.  Just another talent of the new Mrs. McDonald.