Friday, October 19, 2012

Sugar honey

Dad sent me this clip, The Real Bears, a couple of days ago.  Makes you think about what's in your fridge, or what you order when you're out for lunch.  Go Jason Mraz, you crooner, you.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


"Whatsssat?  Whatsssiss?  Ooooh!"

Baby's first words?  There's definitely a mama and dada in there, but those could be attributed to phonological ease and claiming the people most important to her.

So the next runners-up would be "Whatssat?  Whatsssiss?  Oooh!"  Inquisitive baby discovering the world one word at a time.  That's my kind of girl.


Orchid family?  Newest discovery, July.

Shinrin-yoku, in Japanese, means "forest bathing".

Boosts your well-being and your vitamin D, reduces bullying

got this from Chatelaine.

not yo' mama's magazine.

Well, it's my mama's magazine.

And for a while now, yo, mama, it's been my magazine.

Though slightly ousted by Canadian House and Home (research, bedside), 

Food and Drink, Ricardo, Flavours (meal dreaming, bathroom and Sunday morning planning)

Explore and Saltscapes (destination and adventure ideas, bathroom)

Not to mention blogs.  Oh, the death of papered print!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Baby Blues

Ambrose, we've got you a harmonica dueller.
She's also fluent on the tin whistle.


Here are the blueberry picking shots of the season.  Also, this was the beginning of Evelyn's bipedal career.  She is now tearing around the house.  Incentive to put away the piles.  Otherwise, Evelyn walks by the office door happily clutching a screw driver.  Which you take away from her, turn her around and send her off, only to have her cruise by a moment later waving a chisel.

Baby learns quick.  Mom and dad, not so much.