Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dabada dabada dabada dabada dah! Dabada dah!

I've been hiding behind the "new mom, no time" excuse...Thanks for the kick in the pants, Aunty Dez.  You're gentle, for an Enforcer.

The thing is, there's tons of time.  It's funny how it gets filled so easily.  Between an all-consuming girl, construction and food (gotta eat), something's gotta give.  Nothing stops the thoughts, ideas, realizations and wonder.  One-handed typing can slow down the blogging and emailing, though!

It's amazing what I won't do for a smile.  To see that little girl break into a beam when you walk into her room (especially first thing in the morning), when you parrot her coos, ahhs and hahhs.  It makes you feel like you are the most special person in the world.

(Shroom tuque by Rosie)

And now, the elusive laugh. It's just about to spill out, I can feel it.  The beginning of a giggle kept false-starting as Evelyn listened to my verbal drum kit solo this morning, rim shots and cymbals accented as I helped her kick her feet and shoot out her arms to their raps and crashes.  But giggle became hiccups became cries...drum solo ended.

She's a growing, healthy girl who lets us get lots of sleep at night.  She looks like Steve, especially when she's got her fussy-pants on (I think that's a Parks creased forehead!)  She loves the Indian elephant above her change pad, paper star above her crib.  Steve walks her in her princess chair so that she can see the world and I walk her in her carrier so that she can know her beautiful boreal backyard.  And so that she can be lulled to sleep for an afternoon nap so that I can "do something".  Anything.  There's a list.

Not a written list.  That's too stressful.  More of a panoramic, 360 degree turn and look...could do that, or that, or that....yeah, that.  That's what I'll do.

Time to hit the trail.  Hopefully, the girl will be sleeping by the time we get home so that I can keep mudding in the utility room.  This is a Job in 12 Movements.  Da da da daaaaa, da da da daaaaa...

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