Thursday, August 18, 2011

A New Favourite

My new favourite past-time: nursing by the lake.

Often in the overstuffed floral armchair that was booted out of the house (thank you Louise Brown) and has made its comfy home on our sauna deck.

Cause if you've gotta be on your butt ___ times a day, it helps to switch up the location and the intention.  Yes, sometimes I can just stare away at Miss Evelyn Ann, other times I have my eyes closed as I mimic what I once knew as "sleep" (oh sleep, how I loved thee), and other times I have one of my many library books propped up on a pillow in front of my baby.  But at least once a day, I hie me to the lake.  Just like my Hugo Bay "morning meditations", but now slightly altered.  Shared with another person, just a little more quiet, more still, more in the present.


ps.  Once again, photo credits going out to Jenny Keller.  Who makes an art out of her past-time.


  1. Beautiful mom, beautiful baby. We can't wait to meet Miss Evelyn!!

  2. "La Vie C'est Maintenant" - I just saw this today on a sign in Hull, thought of this you & miss Evelyn, can't wait to meet her!

  3. This just about made me cry. I can't wait to experience it again, although I'm sure those moments of peace with just me and the baby will be few and far between. Things are going to be so different with two. Being a mom is the greatest gift my husband could ever give me.
