Sunday, September 12, 2010

paper the first

This is for the moms.

Well, I guess, this one's really for me.  I love these shoes.

Also, a thought:  Roses have never appealed to me.  Maybe because their perfume is too heady and sophisticated.  These roses were made perfect, though, when they were delivered to our room along with the chocolate truffles and sparkling wine.  Perfect only because we plucked them, a petal at a time, not just to scatter the bed (cliche!  cliche!) in blooms, but to take each petal as a moment to thank the other.  To love each other.  Not x-rated, people, but out loud declarations of what we hold dearest about the other.  "I love that...I love when...I love your...I love you..."

We fell asleep (in the deep, dark hours after the Windsor Hotel's open blues night) on our bed of roses.

Evening stroll, night on the town.

Morning run, the "We love Winnipeg" appreciation route.  Follow the river, cross the bridges, circle Louis (naked and not).
It's been a year!

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